KPN TUNNEL VPN Config for free internet connection (Globe and TM only)

I think the trend this year in getting free and stable internet connection is by means of Virtual Private Network or VPN apps. Based on different forum sites that I visit everyday, people are asking about VPN configs that is why I posted something about the oldest VPN config that I am using until now, PSIPHON V7.


For today, I will be sharing you about KPN Tunnel VPN, my experience with this is on and off because the settings are configs are quite unstable unlike PSIPHON. What I like about this VPN is it is best to use for online gaming, downloading large files, uploading, surfing and of course blogging.

Free Internet Using PSIPHON V7 with Config for Globe and TM Users Only!

Today, I will share with you an old trick on how to get free internet connection using Psiphon V7. If this is the first time that you will read something about Psiphon, then you must be very new when it comes to hacking just to get free internet. Psiphon is a VPN mobile app that let its users access internet servers from different part of the world. By just using the correct settings, you will be able to achieve what you are aiming for.


Take note that this psiphon trick only works for Globe and TM users for now and I will be posting s separate blog tutorial soon! Your IP should still be the same (10), and do not forget to use IP Hunter feature on the tool tab of the app.

Make sure to follow the instructions on the file that I attached on top so it will work for you. This works 99% so there is still a chance that it might not work for some individual. Again, I am warning everyone to try this at your own risk.

NOTE: The links I provided was shortened using SHORTE.ST website. Every click will give this blog an earning so it can provide more tutorials in the future. Thank you for supporting!

Latest Internet Hack in 2017 for Globe, Smart and PLDT Users

2016 was indeed a blast! We had discovered a lot of ways on how to get free internet without paying monthly internet bills whether you are a Globe, Smart or PLDT user. I understand that everything was just a trial and error and there were times where a single internet trick only lasts for a week or lesser but the good thing is, we manage to discover some other alternatives.

This 2017, please continue to support this blog as we discover more working internet hack, tips and tricks just for you guys.

Well, some of my previous posts are still working according to the people who continuously visits my blog. One trick might work for you but not for other people no never get tired of trying new things. I myself is having a hard time looking the best trick that works for me but at the end of the day, I end up finding the working internet trick. It is just a matter of patience.

These are some of my previous tricks that still works for some:

Aside from these 4 most visited and commented blog entries, there are also few comments about my other old posts and yes, some are still working fine for others so I highly suggest reading back from my old posts because you might get an idea how everything works.

As of today, I am using a VPN since December of 2016 and everything is working fast and stable and I am planning to make a tutorial on how you can use this as well. It is such a meticulous process so please bear with me as a create my draft.

In the meantime, please like this blog's facebook page here: Free Internet PH

New Internet Settings for PSIPHON (Any Version) for Free and Fast Mobile Internet Connection

I am going to share a new set up settings for PSIPHON users out there. If you are new here, PSIPHON is a VPN mobile app that you can actually download for free so that you can connect to the internet without paying anything. It is like you are accessing the internet using a server from other countries. It can be fast sometimes if you select a server that is not yet congested or you can also try these PSIPHON settings (updated as of August 02, 2016) that I have below.

Bypassing the Data Limit of Smart's GIGA50

I am sure you are all aware that Smart has a new internet promo for their prepaid subscribers. It is what they call, GIGA50. Technically, it is 1 GB of internet access with additional 300MB of data for youtube, iflix, snapchat etc access.

To register to this promo, just text GIGA50 to 9999 and then wait for the text confirmation saying that you can now enjoy their internet service blah blah blah...

Just like other internet promos, their are glitches all over their program where you can bypass the allotted data limit so you can use it without limit. Just like for example my post about Smart Prepaid's internet promo that was called, POWERAPP. It is actually one of the most viewed tutorials that I have here on the blog and their are a lot of people giving a very good feedback about it.

GIGA50 was just launched but I will find a way on how to bypass its data limit so we can make the most out of what we pay.

Extending GOSURF50's 1GB Data Limit - Techniques & Tricks Soon!

On July 2nd, Globe announces about their upgrade to their GOSURF50 prepaid promo. You will still get 1GB data limit and unlimited texts to all networks and free facebook for 3 days and that is everything for only 50 pesos. Sounds nice but I know you want more of it! *wink*

I tried GoSURF50 promo yesterday and it had already expired. The speed limit is just okay and surprisingly, it is more fast compared to my SmartBro 4G pocket wifi. :(

I am still trying to find the software that I used before to unlock my broadband stick but I think it was deleted already. Still looking for some other software that I can use to unlock my modem. Sorry guys.

This time, I am trying to bug my globe simcard so I can bypass the 1GB data limit of this promo. I have done this before so I am sure I can also do it this time. I am not sure on what to do yet but I will update you guys once it's done. So yesterday, I tried using VPN to bypass and extend my GOSURF50 promo unfortunately, it did not work. But I was able to download a movie that is 850 MB total with only 200MB data limit left! It somehow worked but not the way I want it to be.

Maybe next day, I will try to bug their system and let us see if this old trick will work or not. Will definitely update you with some progress. For now, feel free to browse some of my old blog posts and check if the tricks work for you or not. And also, I need your feedback so I can close or delete my posts that are not working anymore. Thank you guys. 

Tutorial on Unlocking SmartBro 4G Pocket Wifi Revealed!

Last May, I was able to unbox my very own SmartBro 4G Pocket Wifi and I find it really fast at first. However, after few weeks of using it, I noticed that the internet speed is becoming slower and slower everyday I use it and I find it unfair because I am supposed to have a 4G internet speed which is faster compared to what I am getting even when I am outside my home since I have wifi.

So now, I am searching for some tips on how to unlock my SmartBro 4G pocket wifi so I can use it with other networks. I heard that Globe is faster here in my area so I want to give it a try.

Upon searching, I noticed that there are people who can actually unlock pocket wifi modems by entering the device's IMEI. However, it is not for free. I did not bother asking them to unlock mine because I know that there is a way to do it on my own.
2025 © 2017 and 2016 working internet hack for Globe, Smart and Sun Broadband. Design by Fearne.